Brie and Asparagus Galettes


Makes 8
Difficulty Easy
Preparation 20 MINS
Cooking 30 MINS
Asparagus and brie are a classic match. These simple puff pastry tarts make a fabulous pass-around for pre-dinner drinks, particularly in spring when asparagus is at its best.


20g butter
1/2 leek, washed and very finely sliced
1 sheet butter puff pastry, thawed
8 spears (approx. 1 bunch) asparagus, ends trimmed, halved diagonally
salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
olive oil spray
125g ripe and full flavoured brie or camembert


  1. Melt butter in a small frypan, add leek and saute over low heat for 5 minutes until soft and glossy. Cool slightly.
  2. Cut pastry sheet in half, then in 4 the opposite way, to make 8 rectangles. Arrange on a baking paper lined tray.
  3. Spread a small amount of leek down the centre of each piece of pastry, leaving a small border. Top with two asparagus halves, season to taste and lightly spray with oil. Bake at 200°C for 20-25 minutes, until pastry is golden.
  4. Cool tarts on a wire rack for 5 minutes, before topping each with a generous slice of brie. Serve warm or at room temperature.

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