World Milk Day
Celebrate World Milk Day with us on 1 June
World Milk Day is a global initiative to recognise the importance of milk for health and nutrition, and to celebrate the dairy industry’s contribution to jobs, communities, and the economy.
Powered by Milk
To celebrate World Milk Day this year, we showcased how milk is the powerhouse in many Aussie homes, powering strong healthy bodies at every age, and powering local regional jobs and the economy.
We enlisted the help of household Aussie names, who are prime examples of how milk helps fuel them every day.
- Jonathan Brown, Aussie Rules legend
- Kezie Apps, Rugby League Captain
- Col Pearse, Paralympic Swimmer
- Sarah Kelly, Gippsland dairy farmer
- Kristina Gorgievska, Dietitian (Dairy Australia)
Watch the video below to hear how these Aussie legends are powered by milk!
Previous campaigns
Explore how we celebrated World Milk Day in previous years
2023: Make your mornings!
2023: Make your mornings!
The annual World Milk Day campaign celebrated on 01 June aims to recognise the dairy sector’s contributions to nutrition, livelihoods and the environment. This year, Australian Dairy will be encouraging the community to ‘Make Your Mornings With Milk’. Mornings offer many opportunities to increase milk consumption – add it to smoothies, cereal and coffee – it’s an easy, tasty, affordable and nutritious way to start your day!
To highlight the health benefits and irreplaceability of milk, we’re calling on dairy companies, farmers and dairy advocates to support the campaign and get involved by developing your own content using the theme: ‘Make Your Mornings With Milk’, or resharing content posted to @australiandairy socials, tagging #WorldMilkDay #EnjoyDairy.
2022: Climate Action
2022: Climate Action
On 1 June 2022, World Milk Day will celebrate sustainable practices in Australian dairy, with a focus on climate action. This year marks 10 years of the Australian Dairy Sustainability Framework through which the industry reports progress against its dairy promise – to provide nutritious food for a healthier world.
To bring the sustainability story of the industry to life we’re calling on farmers and processors to share their sustainability and innovation journey and record a short video to promote on their social channels, tagging #worldmilkday #enjoydairy #sustainability .
2021: Sustainable Dairy
2021: Sustainable Dairy
Sustainability was the theme of World Milk Day 2021, showcasing dairy’s commitment to innovation in reducing the sector’s environmental footprint. The theme aligned with the release of the 2020 Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Report as well as the United Nations Food Systems Summit in September 2021.
Australian dairy promises to provide nutritious food for a healthier world and has made ongoing commitments to dairy people, the wellbeing of the community, our animals and the environment. This is captured in a Sustainable Diets video which dairy farmers and dairy manufacturers were encouraged to share on World Milk Day, along with case studies demonstrating their own sustainability efforts.