For Manufacturers
The Australian Grand Dairy Awards are the industry’s “Grand Final” of dairy competitions and the ultimate accolade for a dairy producer. Being crowned the “Best of the best” in Australia, is a significant achievement for any team and provides an edge when marketing both domestically and internationally.
The Australian Grand Dairy Awards are open to Australian dairy manufacturers who have won a gold medal at one of the DIAA or RAS qualifying competitions around Australia. Eligible dairy products must be available for retail sale to the public and made from 100% Australian milk.
From 2023, the annual judging will be held in October by the Royal Agricultural Societies, rotating between Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. If you have won gold at a qualifying competition this year the Australian Grand Dairy Awards Coordinator will be in touch with an invitation to enter by September.
For further information on qualifying for the Australian Grand Dairy Awards please contact coordinator@granddairyawards.com.au.
The Australian Grand Dairy Awards are open to Australian dairy manufacturers who have won a gold medal at one of the DIAA or RAS qualifying competitions around Australia. Eligible dairy products must be available for retail sale to the public and made from 100% Australian milk.
From 2023, the annual judging will be held in October by the Royal Agricultural Societies, rotating between Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. If you have won gold at a qualifying competition this year the Australian Grand Dairy Awards Coordinator will be in touch with an invitation to enter by September.
For further information on qualifying for the Australian Grand Dairy Awards please contact coordinator@granddairyawards.com.au.
Important information
Qualifying competitions
DIAA Dairy Product Competition WA
DIAA Dairy Product Competition Victoria & National
DIAA Dairy Product Competition QLD
DIAA Dairy Product Competition NSW
Sydney Royal Cheese & Dairy Produce Awards
Royal Queensland Cheese & Dairy Produce Show
Adelaide Royal Show Dairy Product Competition & DIAA
Melbourne Royal Agricultural Society Fine Foods Awards
Perth Royal Show Dairy Product Competition
Tasmania Royal Agricultural Society Fine Foods Awards