What is the Australian dairy industry’s emissions reduction target?

Australian dairy has a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions intensity across the dairy industry by 30% by 2030. This is reflected in the industry's internationally recognised Sustainability Framework.

Last updated 17/01/2024

Agriculture accounts for approximately 13% of Australia's total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (1). Emissions from the dairy industry as a whole represent 12.5% of this total. The greatest impact on GHG emissions from the dairy sector is from farms and specifically methane emissions from cows.

Australian dairy acknowledges there is room to improve efficiencies across the supply chain to address the climate crisis and ensure the industry remains sustainable into the future.

The world-class Australian Dairy Industry Sustainability Framework established in 2012 shows how the industry is working to deliver its promise to provide nutritious food for a healthier world. This promise is underpinned by four sustainability commitments: creating a vibrant industry that produces nutritious, safe, quality food while caring for our animals and the environment and meeting the challenges of climate change.

Opportunities already exist for dairy businesses to take action on climate change on their farms, reducing emissions is one part of this. Adapting to physical impacts (such as preparedness for fires and drought) and integrating climate action with broader environmental care practices (such as tree planting) are all actions available to farmers.

Further research and development of new emissions reduction technologies and support for adapting farming systems will be required to help dairy businesses face into climate change. Dairy Australia’s Climate Change Strategy (2020-2025) will guide investments in this area.

(1) Quarterly Update of Australia’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory: March 2020, Commonwealth of Australia 2020.

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