What is the sugar content of milk?

Milk contains approximately 5g of naturally occurring lactose (milk sugar) per 100mL and this natural sugar is not of concern to health. Milk has no added sugar of any kind.

Last updated 17/01/2024

In recent times there has been a focus on the sugar content of foods, which has resulted in confusion around whole foods like milk. Plain cow’s milk contains only naturally occurring sugar called lactose, with approximately 5g of sugar per 100mL. Eating enough dairy foods such as milk, cheese and yoghurt has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, colorectal cancer and the metabolic syndrome. Dairy foods also promote good bone and dental health and there are no health concerns about the natural sugar in plain milk.1

Flavoured milks can contain different amounts of added sugar or non-sugar sweeteners such as stevia, so it is important to read the Nutrition Information Panel if you are trying to reduce your total sugar intake. When you read the panel, keep in mind that approximately 5g of sugar per 100g is naturally occurring lactose from plain milk. There is also good evidence to support flavoured milk for older children and teenagers to help keep up their daily dairy habit and due to the health benefits from the essential nutrients that flavoured milk, like plain milk, provides as a whole food.

Dairy Australia is working with manufacturers and the government to help make sugar labelling more meaningful so consumers can work out how much sugar is naturally occurring and how much is added.

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