Is sugar added to milk?
Most milk contains a natural sugar called lactose, and some varieties of milk have sugars added for flavour. Anything added to milk must be named in the ingredients list on the label.
Last updated 31/01/2025
Nutrition labels will show you that plain milk contains about 5g of total sugar per 100g. This is the sugar found naturally in milk (lactose). Plain milk you buy in supermarkets will not have any sugar added.
Lactose-free milk is also available. This has enzymes added which break down the lactose into more basic sugars (called galactose and glucose).
Flavoured milk (such as chocolate milk) may contain added or “free” sugars, like honey or table sugar. Anything added to milk must be named in the ingredients list on the label.
Both plain and flavoured milk are considered to be part of the Five Food Groups for everyday consumption, according to the Australian Dietary Guidelines.
Flavoured milk is not associated with weight gain or dental erosion.
Junk foods and drinks such as cordials, soft drinks and flavoured mineral waters are the main providers of added sugar in the Australian diet.
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