Is flavoured milk OK for kids?

Evidence shows children and teenagers who consume flavoured milk have higher calcium intakes than non-milk drinkers. Flavoured milk is also not linked to weight gain or tooth decay.

Last updated 31/01/2025

Plain milk and water are the best choices for kids. However, some children do not like the taste of plain milk which puts them at risk of avoiding milk altogether. This is concerning because children and adolescents have inadequate intakes of calcium, during the key time for bone and muscle development.

Flavoured milk contains all the same nutrients and health benefits of plain milk. Although many varieties contain added sugar, evidence shows flavoured milk does not lead to weight gain or tooth decay.

Drinking flavoured milk also helps increase intake of the dairy food group. This also means flavoured milk drinkers are more likely to meet their intakes of key nutrients such as calcium, vitamin A and phosphorous.

Some varieties do contain added sugar, and other types contain low kilojoule sweeteners. It may be important to consider the role of flavoured milk in the context of a balanced diet. There are a variety of portion sizes available for flavoured milk, starting from 150mL. One serve of flavoured milk is equal to 250mL.

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